Press coverage

Today I'm very happy to share that I've been covered in JV magazine πŸ€—. I feel very honoured and surprised (I naively thought I'd get some kind of contact with the writers πŸ€” ).

The Scrolling Enigma in JV magazine issue 107

JV magazine issue 107 - french

Of course they took the occasion of the release of Mars After Midnight to select their 15 favorite playdate games (yeah you read correctly it's among the best catalog games😎). So maybe I was wrong when I wrote this few months ago πŸ™ƒ. 

However, in terms of press coverage, things are different. All games got πŸ₯·overshadowed by πŸ‘½Mars After Midnight (by Lucas Pope): they talk about Mars After Midnight and 16 other games without even bothered naming them πŸ™ˆ.
Playdate showcase article

Also, i've got an online review of The Scrolling Enigma by Gabriel Toschi. You can also read the review of The Scrolling Enigma in portuguese.

I'm very thankful for these coverages. Hope I'll have more πŸ™‚. Thanks for reading.

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